
08 Sep, 2017

Start A Commercial Cleaning Business

Start a commercial cleaning business If you want to know how to start a commercial cleaning business from scratch make sure you read these important tips. The cleaning industry actually appears to be GROWING and doesn't seem to be affected by recession. There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to earn over $50,000 in your own office cleaning business even if you work at it part-time. 1. Pricing jobs in your commercial cleaning business Don't price your cleaning jobs too low - even when you are just starting out - as it will be much harder to raise the prices with those original customers once you get established. Another tip is to price by the room rather than by the hour so clients will always know exactly how much they will be charged - and you won't feeling pressurized to rush through a job. 2. Stand out from the crowd You may find you are up against quite a bit of competition from other commercial cleaning businesses. Again don't try to beat the competition by being the cheapest as potential clients may question why you are so cheap. Instead, stand out from the crowd by creating a reputation for high standards and professionalism in everything you do in your business - not only the actual cleaning but also how you present yourself in person and the image you get across in your advertising and stationery. Think about how you can be really different from other commercial cleaning businesses and tell your potential customers about it! One idea might be to only use safe, natural cleaning products... so that office workers return to their desks to find the air smelling beautifully of essential oils instead of harsh chemicals. 3. Advertising your commercial cleaning business When you first start a commercial cleaning company you will need to knock on doors of offices and commercial establishments and speak to the person responsible for hiring cleaners. Then as you get established, you need to maintain great relationships with your clients so that not only will they want to keep you on (even when the cheap competition are knocking on the door) but they will also be happy to recommend you to their friends and business contacts. A common mistake that start a commercial cleaning business make is to take out expensive advertising contracts with local newspapers. Do your homework and try to find out how other successful cleaning firms promote their business. These tips are all very important considerations but to save yourself wasting time or making expensive mistakes I urge you to get hold of a thorough step-by-step guide on how to start a commercial cleaning business written by professionals with experience in that field. The best guides should provide you with all the template forms, letters, contracts and proposals you will need - along with expert advice on all aspects of running start a commercial cleaning business. Having one guide that covers everything will save you days of time trawling through the internet for advice.

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