
08 Sep, 2017

Senior Tax Accountant Salary

Senior tax accountant salary The area of accounting currently experiencing strong growth in the number of people employed in the field. In 2004, accountants and auditors held about 1.2 million jobs in the United States. These numbers are expected to grow at a faster than average rate through 2014, mostly because of the increasing number of businesses, but also due to changing financial laws and regulations, as well as increased scrutiny of company finances. The senior tax accountant salary of an accountant can vary greatly through the many different fields of accounting. An average salary of an accountant depends much on not only which area of accounting the accountant is employed, but also the geographic region in which the accountant is employed. For example, accountants, and especially Certified Professional Accountants (CPAs), in large metro areas will earn more than CPAs in smaller cities nationwide. The varied senior tax accountant salary levels of different positions in the accounting field greatly affect the average salary of an accountant. Accountants and auditors that are self employed or earn their own firms may have an upper end or lower end salary, depending on the size of their firm, their geographic location, the number of clients serviced, and other factors. Earning potentials and the average salary of an accountant who is self employed can vary greatly because of these reasons. A more experienced accountant has the opportunity to have a larger firm and more clients, thus earning more money, than an accountant who is just starting out in the field. It is because of this that many accountants begin their careers working for other firms, and start their own firm once receiving experience, as well as compensation, in the field. Other factors may play a key role in determining the average salary of an accountant. Not only does geographic location and the job position or work experience affect the average salary of an accountant, but other things may also affect salary, such as level of education obtained by the accountant, as well as Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification. Generally, those with master's degree and more experience will receive higher salary levels and obtain a higher level job responsibility position in the work place. Those that are CPAs also tend to receive higher salaries, and therefore, the senior tax accountant salary of an accountant is almost a gray area due to all of the factors involved.

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