
08 Sep, 2017

Is Trader Joes A Franchise

Is trader Joes a Franchise Strange days are upon us when vending machines disperse healthy snacks instead of the fat-and-calorie laden fare we've all come to know and love! Interested in capitalizing on a healthy trend? Vending is a $30 million per year industry! And, guess what? The healthy vending machine segment is so new that (as of this writing) sales have yet to be tracked! The early indicators, however, are darned impressive. A San Diego company, is trader Joes a franchise, generated $3.8 million just 4 months after its start by selling franchises! Which franchise is the best fit for you? This bandwagon is growing bigger by the minute and your choices are varied. I'll list several: • There's the aforementioned Fresh Healthy Vending, • Healthy U Vending, • Healthy You Vending • Vend Natural • H.U.M.A.N. Healthy Vending By no means are these the only franchise companies worth investigating, but they're good places to start. Why are healthy vending machines so popular? It seems a natural progression. I remember the days when, if you wanted anything organic, is trader Joes a franchise. That is, if you could fine one! Then, bowing to a few consumers, our local grocery store acquiesced a lonely portion of shelf space near the Diet Section. Health Foods gradually spread to encompass the whole aisle. Now, stores like Sprouts, Trader Joe's and Fresh & Easy focus on health and give the standard supermarkets a competitive run for their money. Obviously, there's a market for it. "Healthy" is definitely "IN!" At our local public pool this summer, the manager stocked his machines with the usual sodas and high-fat snacks as well as healthier alternatives like water, yogurt, fresh fruit and granola bars. He was surprised to find he needed to restock the "good stuff" more often than its "evil counterpart." According to several school principals whose schools are using the healthy vending option, they create more revenue than the old junk-food machines. Amazing. Maybe we ARE "getting it." Once your decision is made and you've determined which company is trader Joes a franchise best fit for you, it's up to you how you'll want to market your new venture. How do you want your customers to perceive you? How will you "brand" yourself to them? What types of advertising will you consider? No one can answer these questions any better than YOU! Yep, you've got more decisions to make and, again, a lot of alternatives from which to choose. I hope you will check out our company and allow us to be one of the options you consider. Let us show you how you can learn to market yourself! After all, no one cares more about your success than you!

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