
08 Sep, 2017

Health Club Franchises

Purchasing and operating a health club franchise has several associated advantages, with many people considering this to be the best option for newcomers in this field, even though a few still recommend that owning a health club individually is the best way to succeed. However, the success of your business, whether a franchise owned or individually operated, depends on your own entrepreneurship skills. The merits of owning a franchised health club and individually owned business are given below, which will help you take the right decision for yourself. There are several advantages associated with owning a franchise business. First of all, you only have to make an initial investment with the parent company which will then prepare and provide you with everything which would be needed to ensure the success of your franchise. Secondly, you will really need not worry about developing any business plans or strategies since everything would be provided to you by the parent company itself; therefore, advertising, marketing, and other strategies come with the franchise package. Thirdly, you will be running a business on behalf of a company which already has a lot of reputation in the market, and has a brand following amongst the customers. Therefore, unlike privately owned businesses in which it takes years to develop customer trust and following, you will greatly benefit from this advantage right from the first day, ensuring the success of your business. However, there are also advantages associated with owning a health club individually. First of all, the start up costs are pretty low as compared with the investments you would have to make otherwise when setting up a franchise. If you are low on cash, it is recommended that you purchase an existing health club instead, the price of which must be much lower than the price you will have to pay to set up a franchise. Secondly, you will in control over every decision, and will not need to follow the guidance provided to you by the parent company strictly, so you will be doing everything on your own. Thirdly, you will be designing all the business plans and strategies. You can run advertisements the way you like with your image and name, develop your own marketing strategies and progress your business the way you like it. The disadvantages of both business models are pretty easy to judge, since the advantage of one, would turn to out to be the demerit of the other. Now it is up to you to decide which option is much feasible for you, taking into account the environment of your locality and your financial conditions.

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