
08 Sep, 2017


There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that one of the main problems about franchising is that from the franchisees. Mostly the problem was from the franchisees who offer not so good advice to some other franchisees. Most often they would just be trying to assist but the unfortunate thing is that their advice is not too good. The worse thing too is that as your franchise operations starts spreading to other states, there would be a huge amount of variations in the regions. There are different kinds of franchising in the world today but take a look at the car washing franchise for instance. As you begin to grow to the international level, you would get different kinds of advice from the franchisees all in different proportions. Someone can send a message to another person and advice him or her on how to operate their mobile car washing business some of the steps of which are not tried and tested. In no time you would recognize that bad advice would be permeating your business. Indeed the issue would be that the receivers are in a different market and climate altogether. It is for this reason that franchisors and business owners have to send out information in form of newsletters and articles to these people on how they should handle their business. With such information at their fingertips they can easily give out the right advice to other franchisees in the same line of business. As the means of communication in this age becomes varied and changing day by day, one needs to explore all avenues. With the advent of social networks and as such you would have to keep your team really focused and also reality based in their individual markets. The fact of the matter is that we all as individuals act based on the information that we have in our possession. Just like students respond based on what teachers have taught them, franchisees also react and spread information to others depending on what they have received as training from the franchisor. This means that the franchisors have the duty to offer the right kind of training and support such that their business would improve and make more profits over time. With the growth in the business of such people, it means that the original business owners would also make more profits.

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