
01 Sep, 2017

CEO Focus Franchise

CEO Focus Franchise is based on peer group business model. It brings diverse groups of the small business owners in a locality to a setting for peer consultation. CEO Focus supposes that the shortcomings by CEOs result from inaction and failure to implement as opposed to lack of knowledge. It has a program that focuses on the good business practices, planned issue discussion, accountability and sharing knowledge bases.

The facilitators run four hour monthly group meetings and meet with each client for a face to face discussion once a month. The program that is offered by CEO Focus is different from that of the competitors as it is a true membership business. The CEO groups under it are not Trojan horses for the other consulting service providers.

 The facilitators get a good pay for all the group members. This means that there is no financial necessity for selling extra services. CEO Focus Franchise has members who run various types of businesses. The typical members are those who run a non-retail business that has sales worth $1MM to $20M. The business owners in this group are mostly aged between 40 and 55 years. 70 % of members are men.

 The members are self driven and growth oriented. The assumption that the members join in when they are in trouble is a misconception. There are some members that are millionaires. There members join as they would like to accelerate success.

Why choose CEO Focus Franchise?

When you become franchisee you will be acting   as a business advisor as well as a facilitator for a group of local peers. You will have access to peers network and this opportunity to gain the best industry and business practices. You will also get increased focus on important aspects for their   businesses. You do not have to be a previous business owner for you to be offered the chance of being a franchisee.

You should be comfortable with different business areas but it is not requirement that you be an expert. CEO Focus Franchise   makes you to enjoy a variety as you will be working with different clients. You can get 40 to 50 them each month. You will get personal training on various aspects about business.


 CEO Focus will provide you with training   videos and manuals. You will also receive all the marketing templates that are needed for running of a business. This is great opportunity to work with renowned business owners and help them to become better. 

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