
08 Sep, 2017

Typing Work From Home

Typing work from home jobs are constantly advertised on the internet and it is difficult to verify which ones are scams and which ones are genuine. The claims made by most internet marketers tend to trash these jobs as mostly scams but then again it could be a marketing gimmick, since any website that claims to offer these jobs begins by claiming how the owner of the company got scammed and so decided to come up with a genuine program. There are also a good number of testimonials in the internet from those who have actually been scammed (or so they claim since there is no way to prove their stories are genuine). But a deeper look into the whole issue seems to suggest that there could actually be some genuine typing work from home jobs available through the internet. Real typing work from home jobs involve some amount of actual writing and research and requires the worker to possess medium to high typing speed (most prefer at least 30 words per minute, others require no less than 50 words per minute).The marketing companies that offer these jobs normally require the subscriber to pay a certain fee which could be a one time lifetime membership fee or renewable monthly. Generally, lifetime fees are much higher than the renewable monthly fees although over a period of several years, the monthly fee could add up to several times the lifetime membership fees. Most of these websites have a section for Cart where the subscriber can choose to pay through debit card (eg the regular VISA or ATM card), credit card or PayPal. Some offer further security checks by encrypting the card number entered by the subscriber as a check against fraud. A few companies accept checks. Once payment is made, the company will then send the subscriber a booklet which consists of a listing of companies with their addresses and telephone numbers operating in that state. The subscriber is then advised to contact these companies and offer their typing services. What seems to catch most subscribers off guard is that the initial expectation of most is that the said company would offer them jobs directly once the subscription fee is paid. The truth is that they still have to solicit for these jobs by themselves, which means that all the company does is act as middle man between the company with the actual work and the subscribers. Most of who have tried these sites go on further to say that there is no guarantee the listed companies actually need your services and no option for reimbursement of your fee is given. So the dilemma still persists whether work from home typing work is genuine or not.

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