
08 Sep, 2017

Starting A Handyman Business

Handy man business is a form of business in which a person or a group is hired to perform simple tasks such as building an office, fixing doors or maintaining apartment. Firstly, you need to have skills in doing the handy man business. Fixing of doors or maintaining an apartment requires basic skills. The skills should be upgraded. You should visit manufacturing companies to learn more and know about their products. Read many books and attend plumbing shows to expand your knowledge. You should seek more training and advice from the experts. Starting handy man business will require you to decide on types of services to offer. You may be a plumber, electrician, carpenter or any other you are interested in. Advertise it to make the public aware. Make sure you have enough skills in choice. Decide on the charge of services you offer, either hourly rate or fixed price. Make sure you offer the best services because it will sell your image thus attracting many customers. You should be computer literate. Basic skills in Microsoft Excel and spreadsheets are very essential. Prepare and keep your expenses. Create a database for your clients where you can easily get reference. Internet skills will help you do research thus expanding your knowledge. Starting a handy man business will require you to have valid license from the higher authority. You should have contractor’s license and certificate to work as a plumber, electrician or carpenter. Many people will not allow someone who does not have valid documents to their handy man. Insurance is essential. This is very important when you are injured or risks occur. Decide on the type of insurance you want to purchase. Starting handy man business like any other business needs funding. There are a number of sources where you can generate the money for instance, loans, grants or personal funding. For you to manage your time when called to do a job, a van or truck will have to be purchased for transport. Tools and equipments should be bought. The money will also help you in buying insurance. You must draw your business plan. Estimate amount of money you spend monthly. Your marketing strategies and number of client you target in a day. Starting a handy man business requires one to be honest, skilled and creative. You may hire some worker to help you run the business. The people you hire should also be skilled.

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