
08 Sep, 2017

Start A Tax Preparation Business

Start a tax preparation business While sitting at a local eatery that has internet access and working on one of my websites, I ran into the most interesting man. He stopped by my table to ask me a question about buying computer equipment start a tax preparation business because he sees me in this particular restaurant often thought I might be able to help him. I happened to know the answers to his equipment questions and then we got to talking a little bit about his life. Rich, that's his name, started a tax preparation business out of his house about ten years ago and mad enough supplemental income to buy a second home in Florida for him and his wife to go when the weather got cold in his neck of the woods. One of the features of owning a start a tax preparation business was that Rich could be mobile and serve his clients whether he was in the same town or a thousand miles away. With the ability to fax, or scan and email as well as using overnight mail, he could get the required documents, fill out the proper tax forms and send it right back to the client all the while he was sitting on his back porch overlooking the golf course from his Florida condo. Starting a tax preparation business is not as hard as you would think with all the education that is available and easy access to much more information on the internet. The large tax preparation companies like H&R Block offer educational courses as do the local community colleges. Clients are easy to find as most people would rather hire a professional to handle their taxes and most people would prefer that a person that they know prepare their tax forms. Just placing some small ads in the local Penny saver type papers should get your phone ringing with prospects. So if you are a numbers person that likes to serve people and would like to live the life that Rich does consider the benefits of start a tax preparation business.

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