
08 Sep, 2017

Painting Franchises

There are some basic steps that one has to follow with respect to making huge profits from your painting franchises. The very first step would be to undertake a detailed take off coupled with an estimate that is accurate. When we talk about the detailed take off we are referring to measuring every square foot of the surface that can be painted. It would be good to ensure that you take a square footage of all the exposed decks, floors, ceilings and drywall walls among others. Make sure that you do not forget all the crown molding, wood base and other things that get finished. The second step in making profits from your painting franchises would be to set up the job in order for an apprentice to fully understand. You have to ensure that your foreman has all his labor budgets, materials, set of specifications, and set of blueprints all broken down by the substrate. Also he should have all the contact information, material data sheets, MSDS, colors for all the suppliers. This way you would be eliminating any form of excuses offered by your employees. Moreover you have to perform regular time studies. With a time study you would be able to compare the cost of the project, amount of work completed to the budget you have put in place. This should be done early in the project in order to catch some of the few problems before they eventually turn into bigger ones. One should be on the lookout for trends and then continue with the time studies all throughout the lifetime of the project. This means that you can then stand in a good position when compared with the budget. When you do not know how much has been spent on the budget, it is quite difficult to know the profit levels. One would also have to communicate with the crew on daily basis if you want to make profits on your painting franchises. The fact that you are talking with an employee does not mean that he or she hears you. You have to ensure that they understand all that you are saying. You can use the technique of letting them repeat what you have said to them. With this you can positively influence the behavior of the workers on the project so that more work is done in the day.

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