Opening a Business in Delaware Quiz

By | Updated for May 2018

Opening a business in delaware

The state of Delaware is a great place to form an enterprise. In fact, because of its business-friendly corporation laws, more than 50% of all U.S. publicly traded companies and 63% of the Fortune 500 are incorporated in Delaware. Another surprising fact is that there are more than a million registered corporations, meaning there are more corporations than people (the total population of Delaware being 961,939).

If you are an entrepreneur interested in starting a business here, you might be wondering which industries are the most successful. Well, the top five include the following: aircraft industry, environmental protection companies, healthcare industry, financial industry, and tourism.

Presuming that you already have a niche picked out, regardless of it, there are a few necessary steps during the process of forming your business. The first and probably one of the most important steps is planning your business idea. Having a clear plan is going to make your trajectory to becoming your own boss easier.

Next, you’ll have to choose a business structure depending on the type of company you want to run. After the registering process, you can finally start financing your business. Building your brand comes next. Customers and future prospects need to be able to easily recognize your company, that’s why creating a marketing campaign and always improving it, is essential for your business’s success.

All in all starting a business may seem more difficult than it actually is. If you’re ready to test your knowledge about starting a business in Delaware, check out our 10-question quiz.




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