
08 Sep, 2017

How To Start A Coffee Shop With No Money

How to start a coffee shop with no money Are you dreaming of opening your own cafe? I know what you feel like when you day dream about how your cafe will look like and imagine many people in your shop with their coffee mugs and ordering your delectable pastries. I know the yearning you must feel and maybe the frustration of not being able to get that coffee shop business off the ground. How to start a coffee shop with no money It can be exasperating to have all those cool ideas for a coffee place but not have enough funds to start it. I have been in that situation before and dreamed about my cafe for three years before I was given a lucky break to start it without enough capital. Of the entire How-To be out there, how to start a coffee shop with no money is one of the most popular - and for good reason. Coffee consumption is growing by leaps and bounds. It's not just about the beverage, but the community and social life that go with it. Coffee drinking is now as sexy as wine consumption ever was. Coffee shop society got a great boost from the popular TV show, Friends, and it hasn't let up since. As with all new ventures, the first order of business is planning and counting the cost. Below is a quick basic checklist. It is by no means exhaustive, but it gives an overview of what an up and coming coffee shop owner/barista can expect to invest in time and money. • Put together a business plan. There are templates available that make this easier than starting from scratch. There's no need to reinvent the wheel. • Set up a business bank account. Expect to pay more in service fees than you would for a personal account. However, a credit union account will save money in fees even for a business. • Investigate financing. Again, a credit union may be able to offer the best rates and service to finance your new venture and are often more personal than a national bank. • Get the necessary business licenses and permits. This will vary from state to state, from county to county, and even from city to city. • Check with the local municipality about zoning ordinances. You don't want to sign a lease for space that you later discover is restricted for a high volume business. Meet with a good tax accountant to discuss strategies to maximize your business tax deductions. You want one that respects the IRS, but doesn't fear it. A timid accountant will miss legitimate deductions and savvy strategies. You will also want to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of incorporation and analyze the risks/benefits of each option how to start a coffee shop with no money.

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