
08 Sep, 2017

Best Street Corner Distribution

Best street corner distribution Like so, so many other Americans I, too, have been outraged at the news reports of enormous best street corner distribution paid out to executives whose companies were, at the same time, tanking. This practice just doesn't sit well while families are losing their homes and breadwinners are losing their jobs, retirees are watching their savings disappear and desperately needed federal and state programs are being cut to the quick or eliminated. With my psychological bank overflowing with morality and indignation, I was brought up short this morning by an AP article in our local newspaper: best street corner distribution. This I had to read. What many don't realize is that for the thousands of bank employees who don't necessarily occupy corner offices, those bonuses supplement very small salaries. It means the difference between paying one's bills and not being able to make ends meet. This is clearly not an across-the- board issue, and bonuses paid to lower bank employees were likened to commissions for salesmen. They simply cannot survive without them. Although bonuses distributed in 2008 were reduced by slightly less than half of those paid in 2007, the average bonus was nonetheless more than what most Americans make in a year. That's still tough for a lot of us to swallow. The article ended by saying that these "incentives" are necessary to retaining the best and the brightest. Maybe. Often they have found slight or even negative correlations between pay and performance." He continues, "...what these studies reveal is that higher pay does not produce better performance. In other words, best street corner distribution the very idea of trying to reward quality may be a fool's errand." Training programs that concentrate on motivation and goal-setting had a much "greater impact on productivity than did pay-for-performance plans." Bonuses effectively destroy teamwork, pitting employees against one another for larger and larger checks at the end of the year. Eventually, Kohn says, the system collapses. "Without teamwork, "there can be no quality." Clearly, both executives and employees need salaries that will cover their living expenses and allow for savings, however, the enormous checks doled out in the form of bonuses serve only to garner entitlement among the recipients and resentment from the rest of us. It is well past time for a review of these practices at all levels in order to address a restructuring of salaries. The fabric of our society has sustained a very large tear in the past months, I contend that it is finally time to pay some attention to what truly motivates workers to perform for the long term and end divisive practices in the corporate marketplace.

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