
29 Aug, 2017

Alco-Buddy Franchise

Alco-Buddy Franchise

Alco-Buddy offers individuals an opportunity to right their financial future. At a time when layoffs and unemployment is the order of the day, you would have an opportunity to make money using this franchise.

What does Alco- Buddy franchise entail?

Alco- Buddy franchises are involved in the manufacture of alcohol breathalyzer machines. These machines, named called Alco-Buddy, are to be set up in alcohol serving establishments including nightclubs, pool halls, pubs, pizza parlors, college hangouts hotel bars etc.

As you will acknowledge, there has been an increase in accidents caused by drunk driving. Many are the times when individuals will have the perception that they are not fully intoxicated. While it is alright to fell in control of your body, sometimes it may not be the case. The rise in accidents would definitely attest to that.

In this case, Alco-buddy franchises provide patrons in these establishments with an opportunity to gauge their level of intoxication and therefore determine how fit they are for driving. By taking the breathalyzer test with the machine, they will know the blood alcohol content prior to driving.

Why should you have the breathalyzer vending machine?

The breathalyzer vending machine from Alco-Buddy franchise brings in a prudent and simple way for you to determine your blood alcohol content. This has the effect of lowering the accident rates as people who have drunk one too many would desist from driving.

In addition, the breathalyzer vending machine gives the patrons an opportunity to regulate their intake of alcoholic drinks. Incorporating the machine in your business would give the impression that you have the interests of the patrons in mind.

Why should you consider Alco-Buddy franchise?

With Alco-Buddy franchises, you would have the chance of setting up your small business therefore stopping the anxiety that comes with job loss fears. In addition, you will be rendering an important service to the community as you encourage individuals to drink responsibly.

One thing that you will appreciate about the breathalyzer machines from Alco-Buddy franchises is that they incorporate flexibility in their purchase. You can choose to buy a single unit or a number of them.

In addition, you will be in a position to make great contacts as you place the breathalyzers in the establishments.


Breathalyzer machines from Alco Buddy franchises cost $1999. Once you have bought the machine you will have access to technical support from the franchisor as well as lessons on how to grow your business. In addition, you will be assisted as far as choosing the best location for your business as well as how you should be placing the breathalyzer machines in your target areas. 

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